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Haunting of Hill House 1x6 Full

Watch "Haunting of Hill House 1x6 Full" on Streamable.



I’ve been really enjoying the full lengths. Thank you for all of the great content 🖤

Lola Lirola

It's interesting, because one thing I learned doing textual/media analysis for a long time, is that interpretations, and metaphors, and theories/decoding become infinitely better when they exist in a sort of Multiverse of Meaning. I think a lot of lit classes everywhere focus too much on finding the "correct" interpretation, the "real" message, the definitive reading. But that does not exist! Author's intent is real and it's one layer of meaning; then each individual personal impact, what it means to *you* is another layer of meaning, equally important. Then there's historical context, and current relevance (like, this is an adaptation of an old story, for instance, what elements were kept and which ones were updated? that's interesting!). Then you add layers of metaphor/symbolism, and as we see in this story, there can be so many of those! And then you have to look at internal logic, and worldbuilding rules... And all those possible takes are all of them the real meaning, all at the same time. So, it's not either depression *or* ghosts. It's depression *and* it's ghosts. And they're both the same thing. Good art has one interpretation: it conveys a message clearly and masterfully, and people know what it is. But *great* art has all of the interpretations, and they all fit and they all make sense. That's what makes this show great: if you don't even look at the ghosts at all, it's a family trauma story; and if you *only* focus on the ghosts and the curse... it is also the same family trauma story! If the ghosts were just random ghosts who could have scared anyone, it wouldn't make much sense; but if the ghosts weren't there to bring this family to the brink, the story wouldn't make sense either. I love that Flanagan took great care to not just make a simple haunted house story. The family is very specific, and the metaphors are rich and layered, so the ghosts have to be specific and layered as well. That's genius.