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Gargantuan Dragon (celestial), Lawful Good

Eternal Sovereign of the Skies

Endless and majestic, positively brimming with radiant energy as they shape the winds and skies around them; that is Longshen, the Heavenly Dragon. The eternal safekeeper of mortals, they have lived alongside their subjects for a truly immeasurable amount of time. Even high above the clouds, Longshen’s presence and generosity can be felt by those below with every warm ray of sun and every drop of rain.

Watcher in the Sky

Within their lair amongst the clouds, Longshen watches over all. Having defended the realms from a great evil long ago, they wait for a time of great peril when their power is needed once again. They travel the skies, bringing rains for bountiful harvests, clear skies during floods, and thunderous storms to deter villainous schemes. Their palace drifts amongst the clouds, inviting the strongest of heroes to prove their prowess and determination.

Bestower of Boons

As defender of the meek and patron of the just, Longshen often grants great heroes the power to uphold their virtues. Paragons of justice may find their way to Logshen’s lair, whether by invitation or by seeking them out themselves. The latter proves a challenge on its own, but Longshen will surely test any would-be champions to ensure they are worthy of their blessings. When a hero is chosen, Longshen will often bestow them with an artifact imbued with their power to enhance the warrior’s own abilities. With their boons granted, the chosen heroes ascend to become Warriors of the Heavenly Dragon, agents of their divine will, tasked with defending the realms from evil.

Furious Storm

While Longshen allows their chosen warriors to fight most battles, Longshen wields the power of the heavens themselves. If called to action, Longshen can summon the might of a hurricane, decimating's those who would dare harm the innocent. It is this threat that keeps many villains at bay, the most conniving biding their time for a moment of weakness. The masterminds of these plots send their minions to keep the Dragon Warriors busy, waiting for the perfect moment to strike a decisive blow against the dragon themself. Longshen vigilantly awaits such a day when the forces of evil make their move, ready to call down the full fury of the storm upon their foes.

The thunder rolls around you as you gaze upon the entrance of the palace in the sky. Long have you awaited the chance to prove yourself, to meet the sovereign of the skies and be deemed worthy. No matter what lies before you, you stand determined to be granted the honor of becoming a Warrior of the Heavenly Dragon. With a rumble akin to the storm surrounding you, the doors of the palace opens. A voice as clear as the summer sky and as cacophonous as a hurricane speaks but one word: “Enter…”

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