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Weapon (longbow), varies (requires attunement)

The winds of the Heavenly Dragon infuse the missiles of this bow; precise and irresistible. When this magic item absorbs energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves great deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of the properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Uncommon. While holding this bow, your walking speed increases by 10 feet and your jump distance is doubled.

Rare. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls to attacks made with this magic weapon. This weapon has a number of charges equal to two times your Wisdom modifier and regains all charges on a long rest.

You can use your action to spend 2 charges and call upon the Heavenly Dragon's winds to guide your arrows. You can fire a number of pieces of ammunition equal to your Wisdom modifier. Make a separate attack roll for each piece of ammunition, which targets a creature of your choice you can see within the normal range of this weapon.

Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased to +2.

When you hit a creature with a ranged attack using this magic bow, you can spend 1 charge to force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the target takes 2d8 force damage and suffers one of the following effects until the start of your next turn (you choose):

  • Attacks made against the target have advantage.
  • The target has disadvantage on attack rolls.
  • The target's speed is reduced to 0. If the target is flying, it falls unless it can stop the fall.

On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and suffers no additional effect.

Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased to +3.

When you use the Rare property of this weapon, the range increases to the long range of this weapon. You do not roll with disadvantage from firing at long range this way.

Wind. The progenitor, the driving force behind all above and as such, all below; without it, there can be no life upon these lands. One who wakes and wields the very winds of creation may come to seize the flow of battle itself, delivering the Heavenly Dragon's judgment from afar. From you, all others shall find their way to victory.



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