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Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)

Even the stillness of a calm sky is the work of the Heavenly Dragon; gracious and merciful. When this magic item absorbs energy from a dragon’s hoard or its wielder achieves great deeds, it increases in rarity and gains new properties in addition to those of its previous rarities. The DC of any of the properties of this weapon is equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Uncommon. While holding this shield, you have advantage on saving throws to resist being poisoned or diseased.

Rare. This shield has a number of charges equal to your Constitution modifier and regains all charges after a long rest.

While holding this shield you can cast one of the following spells by expending the necessary number of charges: Shield (1 charge), Calm Emotions (2 charges), Warding Bond (2 charges), Lesser Restoration (2 charges).

Very Rare. You gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC. When a creature you can see within 10 feet of you is hit by an attack you can use your reaction to cast Shield from this item targeting them instead of yourself by spending the appropriate charges.

As an action you can spend 2 charges to exude an aura of bolstering power. For 10 minutes, each creature of your choice within 10 feet of you gains a bonus to their saving throws against spells and magical effects equal to your Constitution modifier. You must maintain concentration on this property as though concentrating on a spell.

Legendary. The bonus to AC is increased to +2. The range at which you can cast Shield is increased to 20 feet.

The spells you can cast through this shield are updated as follows: Shield (at will), Calm Emotions (1 charge), Warding Bond (1 charge), Lesser Restoration (1 charge), Death Ward (2 charges), Wall of Force (3 charges).

Sky. A generous gift, a reminder to never take anything for granted, even the stillness of the clouds and winds. One who grasps the beauty in such moments recognizes the power in nothingness, the void in which the infinite potential of the Heavenly Dragon is born anew. Never forget the limitless possibilities born of quiet calm.



Kagetora Nagao

Im not sure if it was a typo but in the legendary version's spell list it is reffered to as a staff not a shield