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Armor (splint), uncommon

Layers of padding, leather, and metal protected Mongol warriors from all manner of bladed assaults. This armor does not impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while wearing it and has no Strength requirement.

Thread Weave. This reinforced armor catches sharp points and edges, reducing the impact of such blows. Whenever you take nonmagical piercing or slashing damage from a single source, that damage is reduced by 1 (this cannot reduce the amount of damage dealt to 0).

Through woven hide and steel, our warriors harden themselves against any blade or spear that seeks to end them. Many seek refuge in the might of metal alone, slowing themselves to a crawl in pursuit of what they mistake as safety. And in doing so they foolishly leave themselves vulnerable to the assault of our warriors moving as swift as the winds.



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