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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A horrendous claw armed with a multitude of venomous tinctures and oozes. This item can hold up to 4 charges. You can spend 1 hour of work using a poisoner's kit and 50 gp worth of materials to have this item gain 1 charge. If you have proficiency with the poisoner's kit, it regains 2 charges instead. This gauntlet can be worn normally or can be used to replace a missing arm.

While this item has at least 1 charge, your unarmed strikes with it deal an additional 1d6 poison damage that ignores resistance to poison damage.

Reverse Engineer. Whenever you succeed on a saving throw to resist being poisoned or diseased while wearing this gauntlet, this item gains 1 charge as it reverse engineers the dangerous substances.

Poison Cocktail. A single touch is enough to administer horrific poisons directly into your quarry. When you hit a creature with this gauntlet you can cast one of the following spells against the target without requiring a spell attack roll (spell save DC 16) by expending the necessary number of charges: Inflict Wounds (1 charge), Ray of Enfeeblement (2 charges), Contagion (3 charges). Creatures that are immune to the poisoned condition are unaffected by this property.

The man was on his knees before he even made it out of the market, the prick he had felt just moments ago growing from an uncomfortable tingle into a searing pain that tore through his body. A gaggle of onlookers gathered round the man whose veins began to blacken as foam gathered round his lips. Just as his eyes began to glaze over, he could see someone peering directly back at him; a small figure, a steely gauntlet at the tip of their arm that hissed and bubbled with mysterious fluids. As his vision faded to black, the figure turned and vanished into the crowd.



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