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Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement)

A stony gown enchanted to allow for free and flowing movement. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while wearing this raiment. As long as one property of this armor is active, it becomes Half-Plate. If both are active at the same time, it becomes a magical gown instead of armor.

Curtain Wall. As an action you can spin this gown causing the skirt to fly off and extend into a fortified barrier. When you create the wall at least one section must be within 15 feet of you and you can choose the shape it takes. The wall is a contiguous 5-foot-high barricade that is up to 60 feet long and 5 inches thick with battlements at the top.

Royal Tower. As part of the Curtain Wall property or as an action, you can cause the bulky shoulders and sleeves of the dress to fly off, forming two fortified towers. You can place the towers at two points within 15 feet of you, or at any point along your wall as long as you are within 15 feet of the wall. The Towers are 15 feet high and 10 feet wide with a door, staircase, and upper level. Arrow slits line the upper floor with doors that lead to the wall’s battlements where necessary.

Each-10 foot section of the wall and towers has an AC of 15 and 150 hit points. If the wall or towers appear in a creature’s space, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall or tower (your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on all sides by the walls of the structures (or the walls and another solid surface), that creature can make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, it can use its reaction to move up to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the wall.

The walls and towers each remain until you recall them to yourself as a bonus action. Once you use each property, it cannot be used again until you finish a long rest after recalling them.

There are many tales of princesses being locked away in a tower by overprotective kings. Princess Leonette of Eldegaurd was a different matter. Mastering matters of the court at a young age, she shifted her interest to matters of the battlefield, longing to lead her kingdom’s soldiers in warfare. Her father, wishing to protect her but knowing he could not deny her prowess, commissioned the kingdom’s mages to create a regal suit of amour. Light as a feather but hard as the caste walls, he had his tower to protect his princess.

Leonette was pleased with her raiment but, being the strategist and kind-hearted soul she was, she asked the mages to give her a way to protect her soldiers as well as herself. With a graceful spin, she could switch an offensive charge to a defensive line, erecting castle walls and towers by shedding her magical armor. She won many battles for her country, as well as the hearts of those under her banner. To this day, the tale of Syr Leonette, the Tower inspires soldiers and princesses alike.



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