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Wondrous item, rare

A curiously bulky quiver of Dwarven make, infusing the ammunition within it with the power of the Great Forge.

Fire All. When you make a ranged weapon attack using a piece of nonmagical ammunition drawn from this quiver, the ammunition transforms into a spectral version of a random melee weapon mid-flight. Your attack deals the amount and type of damage respective to that weapon on a hit (ex. if the ammunition transforms into a maul, the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit). When the ammunition is fired from a martial ranged weapon, it uses the versatile damage dice of the weapon instead of the normal damage dice when applicable. Hit or miss, the ammunition then transforms back to its original form.

BANG! Felix huddled beneath the barricades as the sound of weapons soaring through the air echoed above him. TINK. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see all manner of missiles soaring through the air, threatening to tear his safe haven asunder. CRUNCH! As he shut his eyes, Felix shuddered to think of how mighty a force must be descending upon his position to wield arms so varied with such abandon.

Meanwhile, the lone archer yawned as she loosed another arrow which shifted mid-flight into a club before thudding uselessly against the ramparts.



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