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Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)

The uncomfortable silence hovered over the battlefield that had been alive with the sounds of combat mere hours ago. The remaining soldiers dragged the bodies of the fallen to hastily dug graves. The sulfurous stench of demons and devils still lingered long after the battle had been won, dampening the mood even more. Yet those who had survived celebrated inwardly, elated to still be drawing breath after such a hideous encounter. They had endured, and they would return home as heroes and legends for their deeds.

Abruptly, the air turned harsh with the scent of iron as the soldiers stood at attention. There upon the rise stood a singular form, gripping a jagged blade that seemed to eye the battalion from above with wicked glee. With not a word, the maw of the hideous greatsword wrenched open to welcome the terrible fires and screams from its home, and a new thronging wave of cackling fiends barreled down upon the hapless knights.

There would be no heroes today, no legends born. On this day, there would only be chaos, suffering, and death.

Swordtember Theme: Summoner

Curated Curio [09/23]: Summoner - Offensive / Mobility

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Eldritch Quinn

Looks just like Aatrox! Love it!