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Weapon (greatsword), very rare

A wide slab of sharpened metal with brass engineering grafted to its surface. Alchemical markings are etched into the surface, as well as evidence of several volatile reactions. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon can hold up to 5 charges.

Transmutation. You can perform a one-hour ritual using Alchemist's Supplies and 10 pounds of material from a creature to infuse this weapon with the creature's natural characteristics. If you have proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies you only need 5 pounds of material.

When you do, this weapon gains 5 charges and you choose a damage type the creature whose material was used in the ritual can innately deal (ex. if using a Mind Flayer you can choose between piercing and psychic) as this weapon produces vestiges of the creature's power to enhance itself. As long as this weapon has at least 1 charge, it deals an additional 1d6 damage on a hit of the chosen type.

Elemental Ignition. As an action, you can expend any number of charges to release a burst of energy from this weapon originating from you, choosing one of the three shapes below. Each other creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw where the DC is equal to 10 + the number of charges spent. On a failed save the creature takes 1d12 damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. The type of damage dealt is the same as the type dealt by the Transmute property, and the size of the area of effect is determined by the number of charges spent:

  • Sphere: 5 feet per charge
  • Cone: 10 feet per charge.
  • Line: 15 feet per charge.

The art of alchemy is one requiring ingenuity and resourcefulness. But the matter of equipment in the field is a less contested matter, as an artisan is only ever as good as the tools available to them. To solve this issue, a massive endeavor was put forth in the development of a singular piece of alchemical science to allow for experimentation and discovery out and about. Little could be done about the table's weightiness, but its efficiency was indisputable (provided our members could lug the slab about).

Swordtember Theme: Alchemist



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