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Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

A regal longsword inlaid with ornate filigree. Elegant magical designs adorn its form, displaying the heraldry of the wielder’s charge. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Oathsworn. As a bonus action while holding this weapon you can have the magical energy within this weapon come alive and choose one of the following forms for this weapon to take, or have this weapon change from one form to the other.

Sword. While in this form the blade of this weapon is enhanced by magical energy. This weapon deals an additional damage die on a hit. While you are holding this weapon, an allied creature can use a bonus action to order you to strike. You can use your reaction to make a single attack with this weapon against a target in range. If the ally has the noble background or is considered royalty, you can make two attacks instead.

Shield. Magical energy forms a solid barrier around this weapon transforming it from a weapon into a shield. You gain a +2 bonus to your AC while holding this shield. As an action while you are holding this shield you can choose to protect one willing creature within 5 feet of you. Until the start of your next turn that creature gains a bonus to their AC equal to your proficiency bonus as long as you are within 5 feet of them. If the creature has the noble background or is considered royalty, that bonus is doubled.

Upon this blessed blade, I swear my iron creed

For country shall I fight, for king shall I bleed

'Gainst any fiend and any foe, stalwart I will stand

Mighty and strong, I aim to follow my master's command

I am the steel at his arm, the might of his shield

And upon this blade I swear, never shall I yield

Swordtember Theme: Royal Guard



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