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Weapon (double-bladed scimitar), legendary (requires attunement)

An elegant weapon bestowed upon the greatest hunter of the Fey Courts. One blade depicts a wolf, the other a sheep, representing the endless dance of predator and prey. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Relentless Pursuit. You can cast the Hunter's Mark spell at will. If you cast the Hunter's Mark spell while attuned to this weapon, it gains the following traits:

  • The spell's duration becomes "until dispelled".
  • Weapon attacks you make against your quarry deal an extra 1d6 damage and ignore half and three-quarters cover.

Beast Master. This weapon has a number of Menagerie slots equal to half your character level (minimum of 1). While holding this weapon you can perform a 10-minute ritual over the corpse of a beast or monstrosity killed within the past 24 hours, storing its spirit inside this weapon. A stored spirit occupies a number of Menagerie slots (minimum of 1) equal to its CR.

If this weapon does not have enough Menagerie slots to store the spirit, the ritual fails. You can choose to release any number of spirits stored within this weapon as part of the ritual, freeing up space.

Hunting Party. While holding this weapon, you can use an action to call upon a creature’s spirit stored within it. The spirit appears as a spectral version of itself in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. A spirit summoned in this way acts immediately after you and any other previously summoned creature spirits and follows your verbal commands (no action required). If you do not issue a command, the creature simply follows and defends you to the best of its ability.

A summoned spirit remains for 1 minute, after which it is automatically stored back in this weapon and cannot be summoned again until you finish a long rest. If a spirit is reduced to 0 hit points, it passes on and cannot be summoned again, freeing up any menagerie slots it occupied.

Since the dawn of existence itself, the allure of our mysterious realm has beckoned to those seeking to plunder and pillage that which we hold sacred. After millennia of weathering a scourge as endless as the tide, a proper response was made necessary; a guardian of the grove.

No matter how many invaders assail our woods, the keeper shall meet them with steel and fang, with wind and song. The flutter of wings and rustling of fur shall guide him, the chorus of our lands echoing his every step. The hunt is eternal, and his watch shall meet it in kind.

Swordtember Theme: Royal Hunt Leader



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