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Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)

An ornate metal pocket watch whose face glows with cosmic energy. This item begins as Rare and through time, accomplishment, and growth, can increase in rarity to Very Rare, then Legendary (according to your GM).

Rare. You can use this watch as a spellcasting focus.

Time Crunch. As an action, you can target a creature within 30 feet of you to temporarily accelerate their personal timestream. The creature can immediately move up to their full movement and take one action or bonus action. If you target yourself with this property, it takes only a bonus action to activate.

If you use this property more than once before finishing a long rest, you gain one level of exhaustion. Only by finishing a long rest can you remove a level of exhaustion gained this way.

Very Rare. You can use the Time Crunch property twice per long rest before you begin to gain levels of exhaustion.

Time Share. When you roll initiative, you can press the knob of this watch and choose a number of willing creatures within 30 feet of you up to your proficiency modifier (including yourself). One of the chosen creatures rolls initiative. Treat each chosen creature's initiative roll as equal to that of the chosen creature, then assign their places in the initiative order as usual.

Legendary. You no longer age naturally. This effect is similar to suspended animation, in that your age doesn't catch up to you once you break attunement to this item.

Time Skip. As a bonus action while holding this item you can cast the Foresight spell targeting yourself for 1 minute. If you are affected by the Time Ravage spell while this property is active, you automatically fail your saving throw as the spell corrupts your chronomancy.

Once you have used this property, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Capricorn. The relentless. The visionary. Always thinking how to get one step ahead of the competition, the Sea Goat carves their own path. And when any obstacles do appear to halt their advance, it only takes a moment more for them to navigate past it as if they already knew the way. No matter the issues, never forget; time is on your side.



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