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Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)

A tall, starry banner held aloft in a metallic lion’s maw. This item begins as Rare and through time, accomplishment, and growth, can increase in rarity to Very Rare, then Legendary (according to your GM).

Rare. You can cause the banner of this standard to depict a starry image of your choice at will. This standard has 2 charges and regains all charges daily at dawn.

Rally. While holding this standard, you can use an action to emit an inspiring aura. For 10 minutes, friendly creatures within 20 feet of you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

When a creature affected by this property makes an attack, you can use your reaction to spend a charge and give the creature advantage on the attack roll.

You can use this property once before finishing a long rest. You must maintain concentration on this property as though it is a spell and it ends early if you drop this standard.

Very Rare. The bonus to attack and damage rolls granted by the Rally property is increased to +2. This standard now holds up to 4 charges and you can use the Rally property twice before finishing a long rest.

Strike Hard. While the Rally property is active, the number needed to score a critical hit is reduced by 1 for creatures affected by this property (ex. A creature that normally scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 now scores a critical hit on a roll of 18-20).

Legendary. The bonus to attack and damage rolls granted by the Rally property is increased to +3. This standard now holds up to 6 charges and you can use the Rally property three times before finishing a long rest.

Strike Fast. You can use a bonus action to spend a charge and invigorate a creature affected by the Rally property. Until the end of its next turn, the target gains the following benefits:

You can make one additional attack when you take the Attack action on your turn.
You ignore difficult terrain.
You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity checks and saving throws.

Leo. The vivacious. The commander. With a fiery spirit that never stops burning, the Lion inspires all those around them with their natural leadership and unstoppable optimism. Armed with such weapons they stand center ring, unabashed in their ostentatiousness that threatens to blind those that gaze upon their magnificence for too long. Into the light you shall lead them, and a beautiful death you shall deliver.



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