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Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement)

A heavy metallic helm shaped like a horned bull. Stars glimmer in its eyes and guards. This item begins as Rare and through time, accomplishment, and growth, can increase in rarity to Very Rare, then Legendary (according to your GM). You must have a Strength score of 16 or greater to attune to this item.

Rare. While wearing this helmet you gain a + 1 bonus to your AC.

Unstoppable Force.  If you take the dash action while you are wearing this helmet, you can move through the space of a hostile creature even if they are not two sizes larger or smaller than you. A hostile creature whose space you enter for the first time on a turn must make a contested Strength (Athletics) check. Creatures larger than you make this check with advantage and creatures smaller than you make this check with disadvantage. If you win the contest, the creature takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.

Very Rare.

Gravity Well. As an action while wearing this helmet you can magnify your body and personal gravitational field for 1 minute. Your size increases by one category (from Medium to Large, for example), and you exude a 10-foot radius that has one of the following effects. At the start of each of your turns you can change which of the following effects is active (no action required):

Strength-based attacks deal an additional die of damage on a hit.
Ranged attacks made by or against creatures within the radius have disadvantage.
The ground and any other surfaces within the radius are considered difficult terrain for creatures other than you and creatures in the radius cannot teleport or be teleported.

This property’s effects end early if you are reduced to 0 hit points or you end it as a bonus action. Once you use this property it can't be used until you finish a long rest.

Legendary. You can use the Gravity Well property twice before you finish a long rest, the area of effect increases to 20 feet, and your size increases by two categories instead (from Medium to Huge, for example).

Event Horizon. Your mastery of gravity has advanced to such a degree that the world bends to your will. While the Gravity Well property is active it can have up to two chosen effects at a time. The property also gains access to the following effects to choose from:

You cannot be forcibly moved against your will and you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
The radius is treated as though it is under the effects of the Reverse Gravity spell (save DC 17) for everything but you.
At the start of your turn creatures within the radius that are smaller than you are pulled up to 10 feet toward you.

Taurus. The steadfast. The unyielding. Planting their feet firmly for even the smallest cause, the Bull shall never give an inch to an enemy. As they march forth, their stubbornness drives them through any and all opposition, leaving battered bodies in their wake. Crush them underfoot, and let them understand what it means to clash with a force of nature.



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