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Weapon (dagger), varies (requires attunement)

An ornate chisel emblazoned with colorful gems and the engraved common rune of “Expedite.” Whenever this weapon hits a creature made of stone or an object, the hit is a critical hit.

Knowledge Is Power. You can use a bonus action to infuse this weapon with the power of your known languages for 1 minute. For each runic language you know, this weapon deals 1 additional force damage to a maximum determined by this item’s rarity:

Rare. This extra damage cannot exceed your proficiency bonus.
Very Rare. This extra damage cannot exceed 2 times your proficiency bonus.
Legendary. This extra damage has no limit.

Once you have used this property, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Expedite Rune. While wielding this dagger, you can activate this rune to transfer another rune within 5 feet of you to an appropriate surface over a period of time (Rare: 10 minutes, Very Rare: 1 minute, Legendary: 1 action), instead of doing so over the course of a short rest. Once activated, this rune can't be used again until the next dawn.

The way of the runesmith is an endless path of discovery. One may spend their whole life learning one ancestral language, and mastering all could take several lifetimes. Regardless of skill, every runesmith has their tools, matching their own experience. Every dent and scratch becomes its own rune, together telling the story of its employment in this magical artform.

This item was designed alongside Spectre Creations for Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes: A Runic Expansion for D&D 5e! 

Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes is a 300+ page tome that brings the magic of runes to your table!

Whether you're a DM looking to fill your world with ancient runic lore and extraordinary monsters, or a player eager to sink your teeth into hundreds of inspiring new races, subclasses, spells, & more for your characters, this runic sourcebook unleashes endless possibilities for your epic adventures across the multiverse!

What's Inside?

- Expansive 5e Rune system, with over 350 magic runes spanning every language

- 12 Legendary subclasses + over 50 races and subraces

- 80+ epic and terrifying monsters

- Instantly translate to your favorite languages @ FantasyTranslator.com

Live on Kickstarter, now!

Caliya's Chronicle of Runes: Language Turned Legendary!




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