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Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

An expertly woven rattan shield with a carved wooden mask at its center. While attuned to this shield you are considered proficient with it. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while holding this shield.

Melodrama. While holding this shield you can activate the ability of one of the masks listed below. When you do, the form of the mask decorating the front of this shield magically transforms to that mask.

Yangban. You invoke the unquestionable authority of the Aristocrat. As an action you can bolster a willing creature for 1 minute. For the duration, each time the target deals damage with a weapon attack it deals an additional amount of damage equal to your Charisma modifier. You must maintain concentration on this property and this effect ends if the target falls unconscious.
Paekjung. You invoke the seething menace of the Butcher. You can cast the Fear spell (DC 15) without expending a spell slot. You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures frightened by this property.
Punae. You invoke the stunning grace of the Concubine. When you are targeted by an attack made by a creature you can see within 90 feet of you, you can use your reaction to add your Charisma modifier to your AC until the start of your next turn, including against the triggering attack. If the triggering attack misses, the attacking creature has disadvantage on all other attacks it makes until the start of your next turn.

Once you use this property, it can’t be used again until you finish a long rest.

The ancient art of talchum, traditional mask dramas performed by a number of stock characters, is highly revered in this day and age as a cultural asset. With each Hahoetal mask representing a different character with its own personality and traits, audiences can quickly grasp the essence of each cast member without pause. But in combat, being flexible with what face you show your enemy is an invaluable skill to keep them on their toes as you outperform them in every capacity.



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