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Wondrous item, uncommon

A metallic holy adornment worn over the neck with ornamental plates depicting twisting vines. The thorns lining its edge dig into the wearer’s flesh, drawing blood as the catalyst for its magic.

Garden of Pain. You can cast the Spike Growth spell without expending a spell slot (DC 14). If you do so, the spikes and thorns that emerge are ferrous and stained by blood. While you are in the area of effect of the spell, you have advantage on concentration checks to maintain the spell. Once you use this property it can't be used again until the next dawn.

To teach those who have forsaken the path is the duty entrusted to our kin, and what we welcome unto ourselves we deliver unto others. Pierce the weakness of this world, and upon these bodies she shall build her rapturous throne, and in turn give to all eternal salvation.

-The Crimson Tome; Verse 16:16



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