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Wondrous item, uncommon

An ivory horn etched with a depiction of the great celestial goat known for its everflowing mead. The honored dead drink their fill of it, awaiting their final battle at Ragnarök.

War Holler. As an action you can blow into this horn to rouse your allies to battle. You and up to 5 creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you may gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 1). A creature that has these temporary hit points gains advantage on saving throws it makes to avoid being frightened or to end the condition on itself. This property can't be used again until the next dawn.

Heiðrún’s Blessing. Any nonmagical liquid that is poured into this horn is transformed into mead.

Both before and after the battle, few things are as valuable as the morale of one's troops, and few things are as effective for rallying the spirits of those trained on blood and steel as song and mead. Sing, drink, and be merry, for beyond the horizon looms battles yet won and foes yet conquered. Let the mead flow as though it were from the Heiðrún itself. We drink to the dead, and they drink to us!



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