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The Tree of the Underworld shall Pollinate the Earth

There are many who believe that the outer planes are bound to ours by the great World Tree, connecting all of creation through its many branches. However, some subscribe to the thought that there are in fact two trees, the Sephiroth of the upper planes, and the Qlipphoth of the lower, their roots intertwined and siphoning the energy necessary for the continued existence of these planes. Regardless, these trees would exist outside of our reality, but that has always begged the question: What would happen if they sprouted here? We may have an answer in the Qliphothic Sapling.

Towering Sprout. Named for the supposed tree of the underworld, the Qliphothic Sapling would be comparably small to the dark world tree. That being said, the “sapling” can grow to be over 100 feet tall and may continue to grow indefinitely. The horrifying implications of this makes slaying a sapling the highest priority of any nearby civilization. If the sapling were to ever reach maturity, the world as we know it could come to an end.

Hellmouth. As a herald of the fiendish planes, the sapling exhibits unusual attributes in comparison to most trees. Given nefarious will by the negative energy of the lower planes, it can move on its own, burrowing like a worm through even solid stone. It seeks out places of abundant life for it to take root, siphoning the very soul of the land and its inhabitants. As it grows in power rooted in its chosen lair, countless fiends begin to claw their way into our world through the rift that begins to form below it. Perhaps this is the reason for the sapling’s creation.

Pollinating Pestilence. When the sapling absorbs enough energy from the surrounding area, it begins to emit large quantities of spores. These spores fill the air around it for miles, causing growing sickness in all creatures around it. Additionally it grows numerous pods on the tips of its three flexible jaw-branches. When the pods affixed to its jaws grow to the appropriate size, they are dispersed, spreading young seedlings throughout its domain. These seedlings seek out more life, floating on their strange plumage and latching onto whatever they find. Though most simply starve due to a lack of life in the area, if one were to find its own sustainable food source, it would continue to grow to the size of its progenitor and the grim cycle would begin anew.

For miles the spore-filled air has burned your eyes, nose, and throat, but you press on. From the now barren forest, you see all manner of small fiends staring from behind the desiccated wood, simply observing your approach. As you continue, the fiends you see become larger, but are occupied in what you can only guess to be unholy prayer, bowing repeatedly toward your destination. You've been able to see it for a while now, but it still surprises you how terrifyingly massive the hell-tree is. Segments of bark armor the body of the massive worm-like sprout, its jaws outstretched in a mockery of a canopy. Upon your arrival, the great tree lets out an unearthly roar and the ground around you begins to quake. You realize that the roots below you are being pulled from the earth, and as the great sapling twists its head down toward you, it dives into the earth and begins to burrow. This “tree” can move.

[Pokemon D&D Fusion: Jumpluff X Purple Worm]

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