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Sleeping Sentinels of the Winter Fey.

Many would assume the frog-like ranawog to be related to the grung or grippli, but they are actually a race of goblinoid fey. Those residing in the more frozen lands of the feywild are often employed by the sylvan courts of the winterlands. Though they are built for agility and acrobatics, the winter ranawog’s unique physiology has made them more well-known for standing still.

Frosty Guardsmen. Ranawog of the winterlands are known for their resilience to the cold. They can stand outside in freezing temperatures, even full blizzards, unmoving. Eventually the accumulation of ice causes them to become completely frozen, resembling gargoyle-like ice sculptures. They can hibernate in this frozen state while remaining aware of any warmth around them. If an unwanted guest approaches a dwelling under their protection, the intruder is in for a terrifying surprise.

Ambush Adepts. One never wants a rime warden to get the jump on them, but few ever have a choice. At the smallest hint of warmth, a frozen ranawog can burst forth from its icy state and immediately unleash a flurry of blows. With an ability to craft icy implements of death, a rime warden is always armed and dangerous. Additionally, it retains its feyborn ability to teleport, adding to its already impressive mobility. Even if one lands a decisive blow on a rime warden, they may find the target they hit was simply a frigid duplicate, with the ranawog positioning itself for a devastating attack of its own.

Honorable Watchers. Ranawog that become rime wardens are fiercely loyal to those whom they swear to protect. This conviction has granted them great respect amongst the fey courts, and having such warriors in one’s employ is an impressive display of status. While they tend to remain in one place, guarding courts and their own homes, ranawog have been known to migrate. Some travelers have been known to find shelter from a blizzard amongst a host of icy statues, only for them to disappear by the time they awaken.

As you approach the frozen statue, the blizzard continues to rage around you. Your feet crunch through ever-rising snow and icy winds bite at your face. You can see your warm breath erupt from your mouth as a white cloud. As the breath reaches the statue, you hear a sharp crack, as a fissure lances down its face and large golden eyes alight from under the icy surface. Before you can react, the statue bursts as a frog-like humanoid leaps through the icy shards. In its hand a bladed weapon grows from fractalized ice, and with unearthly precision it strikes down upon you.

[Pokemon D&D Fusion: Froakie X Winter Eladrin]

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