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Armor (shield), rare (optional attunement)

With a notched edge that echoes castle towers, for those who seek to keep their allies looking fresh, few shields compare to this outlandish barrier of sugary defense. While holding this shield, you have a +2 bonus to AC and always smell of peppermint. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Hard Candy. If you make a ranged attack while wielding this shield you gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll as you shoot from between the gaps of this shield’s rim.

Mint Condition (requires attunement). As a bonus action you can grant some of this shield's sugary exterior onto another creature. You can transfer a chosen amount of the bonus AC this shield offers (maximum of 2) and the AC of a creature you touch with the shield is increased by the same amount for up to 1 hour. They smell of peppermint for the duration. This shield regains all bonus AC over the course of a long rest.

In his studies, Sacchariferous found that the crystalline structure of his magical sugars were as durable as they were delightful. He fashioned a shield of minty sucrose, rimmed with ramparts reminiscent of his own tower’s walls. The swirls of hardened candy were enchanted with the ability to transfer the protective crystal to another, as the wizard was one who knew the value of sharing.



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