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Weapon (heavy crossbow), very rare

Once the Colossal Grime Guzzler was felled the time for celebration was short; the real work had just begun. Instantly the mountainous corpse was swarmed by a platoon of harvesters hacking away at its leathery hide to uncover the bounty within. As theorized, even after their host had perished the acid glands confoundingly continued to pulse and produce the same caustic substance that had melted so many of our hunters into puddles of organic sludge. Once a contraption that could properly contain and siphon the acid (after months of trial and error and approximately 3 tons of scrap material), the newfound weapon quickly found itself tested on the field of battle. Early results were promising as jet-streams of corrosive liquid tore holes through metal and flesh alike, though the ensuing stench left much to be desired.

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