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Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)

The warrior crawled listlessly upon the blood-soaked earth. Darkness slowly descended upon him, threatening to swallow him as surely as it had his squadron. Yet through his now blurring vision, a golden light crept into frame. A blade as glorious as the sun, sputtering with flame as if to ward off the despair that seemed to lift from his shoulders. Filled with renewed vigor, he ignored the pain flaring from his wounds as he grasped the weapon without another thought. In an instant he felt the touch of the Emperor upon his very essence, a sensation as exhilarating as it was enthralling. As he lifted the blade to the blackened skies, those that yet held breath within their bodies looked at this blazing avatar of hope that now stood before them, radiant and magnificent, and felt their spirits soar in response.

Swordtember Vote: Lantern / Crown

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