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Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

A gilded longsword with a scarlet floral tsuba housed in an ornate scabbard. Blood drawn by this sword’s pearlescent blade flows off as the droplets bloom into ominous red flowers. This longsword has the finesse property. While attuned, you gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon equal to half your proficiency modifier rounded down.

One Million Folds. Precise attacks made with this masterly-crafted weapon deliver catastrophic blows. When you score a critical hit against a creature with this weapon, you add two additional damage dice when calculating the additional damage dealt. Additionally, at the end of the target’s next turn it suffers half of the damage from the attack. Critical hits made with this weapon cannot be turned into normal hits (e.g. by use of Adamantine Armor, Sentinel at Death's Door, etc.).

Iaido. A true samurai can draw their blade in a flash before their foe can even blink. While your sword is sheathed and your hands are free, if a hostile creature within 15 feet of you casts a spell or makes an attack, you can use your reaction to move up to 15 feet towards the creature and make an opportunity attack against it with advantage using this weapon. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks and the attack is made immediately before the creature's spell is cast or attack is made. You can use this property a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before finishing a long rest.

Curse: Tsujigiri. Once attuned, this item remains attuned to you until you die or the katana is destroyed. While attuned to this item you must kill at least one humanoid creature with this weapon every 3 days. If you fail to do so this weapon loses all magical properties and bonuses, and your hit point maximum is reduced by 10 for every 24 hours that elapse. If this curse reduces your hit point maximum to 0, you die. These effects last until you kill a humanoid creature with this weapon.

As the pale moon rises, death descends upon the land. Honed through centuries of practice and tradition, the steel glimmers in the moonlight, its edge polished and perfect. Few who face this blade live to tell the tale, and fewer still witness the strike that claims their life. With but a flash in the dark it claims yet another victim, and the shadows grow as the red blossoms bloom.



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