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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

These ornate boots are flanked by floating golden wheels each decorated with four elemental gems. While wearing these boots, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, your walking speed cannot be reduced by difficult terrain, and you can move through other creature’s spaces without spending additional movement.

Elemental Stride. When you use the dash action, you can choose to activate one of the four gems. When you do, until the end of your turn you do not provoke opportunity attacks and you create a 15 foot tall elemental wall of the chosen type in the spaces you move through and ending where you choose. Each creature within 5 feet of the wall when it is made suffers 2d8 damage of the type corresponding to the chosen gem. While active, the wall has one of the following effects, based on the choice of element:

Water (Emerald): Bludgeoning Damage. The wall is made of torrential water. Each creature that enters a space or starts its turn within 5 feet of the wall must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from any space the wall occupies. If a creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is also knocked prone.

Earth (Yellow Diamond): Bludgeoning Damage. The wall is made of solid stone 5 feet thick. Each 5 foot space of stone has 15 AC and 100 hit points. Reducing a section to 0 hit points destroys that section of the wall. Each creature within a space the wall occupies as it emerges is moved along with the wall. If they hit another solid surface such as a ceiling, the creature takes an additional 4d8 bludgeoning damage and is restrained. A creature restrained this way can use an action to make a DC 18 Athletics or Acrobatics check to escape.

Fire (Red Corundum): Fire Damage. The wall is made of billowing flames. Each creature that enters a space or starts its turn within 5 feet of the wall takes 2d8 fire damage.

Air (Blue Sapphire): Thunder Damage. The wall is made of spiraling winds. Each creature that enters a space or starts its turn within 5 feet of the wall must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be lifted to the top of the wall and flung 10 feet horizontally in a random direction. If the space they are flung to is still within the wall, they remain lifted.

The wall remains for 1 minute or until you dispel it with a bonus action. You are unaffected by the wall unless you are within a space the wall occupies. Once you have chosen one element, you cannot choose that element again for 1d4 days. Alternatively you can spend 10 minutes holding an Elemental Gem of a matching type to the spent gem on the wheel, recharging it and consuming the Elemental Gem in the process.

Many attempts have been made to harness the power of the elemental planes. The primordial energies are chaotic and terrifying, and tampering with them can have disastrous consequences. However, some minds embrace the chaos, and one such mind fashioned this pair of wondrous wheels. Granting a boost to agility, the wearer can unleash a trail of elemental energies in their wake. A primordial comet zipping across the ground, they can change the shape of the battlefield in an instant. Why contain the chaotic elements? Instead, let them run wild.



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