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Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)

An unassuming little dagger that was designed to help keep the maker's child safe from harm through curious means. While attuned to this weapon you are immune to damage from attacks made with it. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon which deals bludgeoning damage instead of the normal piercing.

Night Light. As a bonus action you can have the blade of this dagger glow with a warm bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet, or turn the light off.

Hide and Seek. As an action you can turn invisible for up to 1 minute. This ability ends if you attack or cast a spell. Once you use this feature it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Hopscotch. As a bonus action you can cast the Misty Step spell. The range is increased to 60 feet. Once you use this feature it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Imaginary Friend. As an action you can cast the Summon Greater Demon spell. The demon trapped within this weapon that powers its magic is released and this weapon loses all magical properties. The save DC for the Demon is 18 or your spell save DC, whichever is higher. You can perform a 10 minute ritual within 5 feet of a Magic Circle spell with a Demon CR 5 or lower trapped within to capture it and seal it within the weapon.

Sentience. Best Friend is a sentient weapon with the alignment, senses and ability scores of the fiend trapped within the gem of this weapon, but can only speak telepathically to its wielder. Its relationship with its wielder can improve or worsen depending on how it is treated both as a weapon and when it is summoned by the “Imaginary Friend” feature.

There was a mother who cared for her child as much as a parent could stand. Day after day she worried and worried over her offspring's wellbeing, till she could stand it no more. She fashioned a dagger herself and bound a demon to her will, imprisoning it within the steel and infusing it with magical powers. A formidable weapon with a multitude of tricks, it serves as the ultimate babysitter, keeping its wielder safe in a myriad of ways.



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