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Weapon (quarterstaff), rare

A fearsome spiked pole with a forked end for restraining assailants. This weapon deals double damage to objects and structures. This weapon deals your choice of bludgeoning or piercing damage on a hit.

Apprehend. When you hit a creature with a melee attack with this weapon, you may have the target make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. Creatures more than one size larger than you succeed automatically. On a failed save the target becomes grappled in the hook of the fork. The target can use its action to repeat the saving throw, freeing itself on a success. On a success or failure, the hooks and spikes dig into its body dealing 1d4 piercing damage. The target can choose to give itself advantage on this saving throw, but takes 3d4 piercing damage instead. You cannot make attacks with this weapon while using it to grapple a creature. Unless the creature is a larger size class than yourself, your movement is not halved if you attempt to move a creature grappled in this way.

A brutal looking tool used to keep criminals in check, the Sasumata was a force to be reckoned with in times of old. A wielder could use the hooks and points studded across this spear to grab hold of their quarry from afar and lead them around, making it easy for their allies to swoop in and assail the target.



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