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Weapon (club), rare

Striking hard and fast, these perplexing pair of weapons batter foes into submission in a torrent of strikes. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these weapons. This pair of clubs counts as two separate weapons that can be wielded in both hands.

Shift Grip. When you wield these weapons in both hands you decide which grip to hold them in, gaining a bonus depending on your grip. Once per turn as a free action you can change your grip between the following forms:

Sturdy Grip. You gain +1 bonus to your AC.
Swift Grip. You gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls.

Bludgeoning Barrage. If Twin you hit a single creature three times with these weapons in a single round of combat, the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of your next turn.

For any unfamiliar with these fast-striking weapons, the Tonfa can be a surprise as they serve to empower their users' attacks. By shifting the manner in which these are held, a user can adjust to the flow of battle, trading offense for defense or vice-versa as needed.



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