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Armor (breastplate, half-plate, plate), legendary (requires attunement)

Armor fashioned from the bony remains of a great Beholder with a great glowing eye-gem at its center. Ten smaller orbs are encased in its shoulders, lifting off and floating nearby when in battle. While wearing this armor you gain an additional +2 bonus to AC and you can't be surprised except when incapacitated.

Eye of the Beholder. This armor has 3 charges and regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest. You can use an action to spend a charge, firing a random Beholder Eye Ray at a creature within 60 ft. of you. Refer to the Beholder stat block for the various effects.

Antimagic Defense. While wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. You may use a bonus action to lose this advantage, causing the armor's central eye to create an area of antimagic akin to the Antimagic Field spell, in a 30-foot-cone for 1 minute. At the start of your turn, you decide which way the cone faces and whether the cone is active. The field affects your own eye rays and spells. After the cone fades, you don't regain the advantage until the next dusk.

Sentient Armor. This armor is sentient and has the personality of the Beholder Kat’arakk. The armor has an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 17. The armor speaks, reads, and understands Deep Speech, Undercommon, and Common and it can see and hear normally out to a range of 60 feet. The armor is furious about being forced to defend its owner and often complains about its fate.

Curse: Living Nightmare. This armor is cursed, and attuning to it extends the curse to you. You remain attuned to this armor until you die or the armor is destroyed. Until the curse is broken you are unwilling to part with it, keeping it within reach at all times. During each long rest your dreams are plagued by the spirit of the Beholder and you must make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw. If you fail three of these saves in a row, the armor reanimates as a Death Tyrant intent on killing you. When the Death Tyrant is reduced to 0 hit points, it fades away and the armor remains in its place. This encounter grants no experience to you or your party.

Don't trust nothin' with more than two eyes meself, bloody Beholders got more than you need to watch your back. All's said though, these things got themselves some nasty tricks up their...sleeves? They ain't got no arms so dunno what the proper terms are, but another one of 'em in the ground’s one less problem far as I'm concerned. Could do without the nightmares, but I ain’t talkin’ to that thing anymore than I hafta.



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