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Potion, very rare

A vial of this elixir, produced from the blood of a freshly killed dragon, fills the drinker with otherworldly strength.

Primal Vigor. When you drink this potion, for the next minute you gain darkvision out to 60 feet, your Strength increases by 3, and you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. You also gain the ability to exhale a breath weapon in a 60 foot cone. Creatures in the cone must make a DC 17 dexterity saving throw. On a failure it takes 12d6 damage of the type dealt by the breath of the dragon that was bled to produce this item. You can only use this ability once per elixir consumed unless you are a race born of dragon blood (Dragonborn, Kobold, etc.), in which case you can use it twice.

Tainted Blood. You can throw this potion at a point up to 60 feet away, destroying it. 1d4 Dragonblood Oozes appear on unoccupied spaces within 5 feet of the point. These Oozes are hostile to all creatures other than themselves.

Dragon Madness. Each subsequent time you drink an Elixir of Draconic Vitality, there is a cumulative 20% chance that you lose yourself to Dragon Madness. Until you are knocked unconscious or targeted by a spell such as the Greater Restoration spell you spend your turns attempting to attack the creature nearest to you that is carrying the most gold.

You can find this stuff on the black market at times, fresh dragon blood boiled down to its pure essence. Some dragon hunters love it, makes 'em bristle with power something fierce but also turns 'em a bit mad for it. Don't think anyone's truly meant to drink that stuff if you asks me. Could swear it's got a mind of its own. It ain't right, drinking blood from something that powerful.



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