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Weapon (any sword or dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This weapon borne of a Displacer Beast's remains is a shifting blur, making its trajectory impossible to predict. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

Shimmering Feint. Attacks made with this weapon cannot have disadvantage imposed upon them, such as by the dodge action or other means, unless the target is blind, has truesight, or is not visible to you.

Myriad Strike. Once on each of your turns when you miss an attack with this weapon, you can make another weapon attack against the same target as part of the same action to have the after-image of this weapon cleave into your target. This attack deals half its normal damage rounded down.

Tough as nails isolating the power from the Displacer for this little thing, I'll tell you that. Just about lost all me fingers trying to cut bits of it off, could barely tell what was what. But not a bad job if I do say so meself. Even an amateur's swings'll get ya good if you ain't careful. Good luck to anyone trying to follow it with their eyes.



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