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Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

A courtly longsword with a pommel depicting the ornate crown of a monarch. You gain a +3 bonus to damage and attack rolls made with this magic weapon. It deals radiant or necrotic damage instead of slashing damage depending on whether the Pawn's Promise was transformed under a Full or New Moon respectively. This weapon has 9 charges and regains all charges after a long rest. If you expend the weapon's last charge, it shatters and reforms at midnight on your person as the Pawn's Promise.

Open. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can spend 3 charges to deal an extra 3d8 damage of the type that this weapon deals.

Battery. When an ally hits a creature with an attack, you can use your reaction to spend a charge and move up to your movement speed towards the target, making one melee weapon attack against them with this weapon if they are within range. Once per turn, if you have proficiency with Dragonchess, you can spend an additional charge to use this ability again as part of the same reaction against another target.

Sacrifice. You can spend an action to force this weapon to shatter upon command, giving all allies within 30 feet of you 15 temporary hit points, +10 bonus movement speed, and advantage on the first attack roll or saving throw they make for the next minute. If an ally affected by this ability is stunned, charmed, or frightened, that condition ends. Afterwards this weapon reforms at midnight on your person as the Pawn's Promise.

The thunderous beat of her steps signals her approach. With her every move, the Queen dictates the battlefield to her whim, changing the position in a way impossible for a lesser being with naught but a gesture. As the Queen shoulders past her soldiers, the uncountable swathes men at her beck and call, she flies into the throes of battle with the ferocity of a thousand warriors.



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