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Weapon (boomerang), legendary (requires attunement)

A bladed chakram with circling depictions of three hounds.

You gain +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon and it returns to your hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack. This weapon deals slashing damage instead of the usual bludgeoning damage. While attuned to this weapon, it gains the following properties:

Hunting Call. If you hit a creature with this weapon, you may use your bonus action to summon a spectral Hound (Dire Wolf) familiar to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. These familiars are added to the initiative order immediately after you, following your mental commands. Your familiars may only attack opponents you have damaged with this weapon, and you may summon up to three at a time. If you attempt to summon more than three familiars, the earliest summoned familiar fades out of existence as a new one appears within 5 feet of you. If there are no viable targets at the start of the familiar's turns, they all vanish and must be summoned again. You can summon a number of Hounds equal to your proficiency modifier before you must finish a long rest to do so again.

Hound’s Instincts. You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls for each Hound familiar within 5 feet of a target. This bonus stacks with itself to a maximum of +3 bonus to attack rolls. If a creature is within 5 feet of all three Hound familiars you also gain advantage on attack rolls made against that target.

A weapon fashioned after the very animals it commands, the chakram serves both as weapon and summon. With every strike, you call upon the ether to bring forth a faithful companion to aid you in battle. Smell your quarry’s fear grow as you and your hounds relentlessly harry them into submission. You never need venture alone, for the pack is always with you.



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