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Weapon (flail), legendary (requires attunement)

A flail topped with a metallic monkey’s paw that shifts between several hand positions.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The range of attacks made with this weapon is increased by 10 feet. While attuned to this weapon, you gain a climb speed is equal to your walking speed and the weapon gains the following properties:

Thousand Palms. When you make an attack with this weapon, you choose whether it deals bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage as the flail changes form according to your choice. The first time each turn you miss an attack with this weapon, you can make another attack against the same target as a free action, the hand appearing to come alive mid-strike.

Grasping Monkey. If you hit a large or smaller creature with this weapon, you can negate any damage inflicted and instead force the creature to make a contested Athletics (Strength) or Acrobatics (Dexterity) check. If you win the contest, you can either knock it prone, grapple it, or force it to drop an item it is holding. You can also forgo an attack to retrieve an item within range that is not being worn or carried. The hand grabs the object and brings it to you as long as it does not weigh more than a number of pounds equal to 10 + your strength bonus and you have an open hand.

Ever shifting and indiscernible, this flail mimics the nature of a curious simian. Keep your enemies on their toes by striking, slashing and stabbing at them through the cracks of even their sturdiest armors. Knock your foes to the ground and snatch their very weapons from them and watch their confidence fail. As any good primate knows, even in the midst of combat there is always time for play.



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