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Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement)

A hammer topped with an instrument fashioned from the horn of a large goat.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It functions as a musical instrument with which you are proficient if you are proficient with horns. While you are are attuned to this weapon, it gains the following properties:

Adamant Goat. You cannot be stunned or moved against your will while attuned to this weapon.

Herd’s Anthem. As an action you can blow into the horn atop this hammer and rally your companions. You and a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus within 30 feet of you can roll one hit die, add their constitution bonus, and gain that many temporary hit points. If an ally affected by this ability is stunned, charmed, or frightened, that condition ends and they are immune to such conditions while they have those temporary hit points. Until the start of your next turn each ally affected gains advantage on the next attack or saving throw they make. You can use this ability twice per long rest.

The great horn atop this warhammer brims with power. Though the trials ahead may be fierce, nothing shall bring you to your knees. The tune that erupts from the horn rallies your allies to your side with vigor renewed. Bow your head to no other and inspire all around you with the majesty of your charge into battle.



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