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Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

Constructed from arcane shielding used in experiments, this shield grants its wielder the ability to absorb and even redirect magical energy.

Catch. This shield has a number of charges equal to 3 + your proficiency bonus and regains all charges after you finish a long rest. When a creature within 10 feet of you becomes the target of a spell, you can use your reaction to spend 1 or more charges to attempt to snare it. If the number of charges spent is equal to or exceeds the spell level, the spell’s effect is countered as it is absorbed into the shield. If the number of charges spent is less than the level of the spell, the spell targets you instead and is not absorbed. The shield can have only one spell absorbed at a time.

Release. While a spell is absorbed by the shield, you can spend an action to release it. The spell is cast as though the original spellcaster had done so using the original DC and dice rolled, but you may choose a new target within the spell’s range. At the end of your turn, if a spell is absorbed by the shield, you must make an Intelligence saving throw to attempt to contain it. The DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level. On a failure, the shield is destroyed as it explodes in a 20ft sphere around you, dealing 1d6 force damage for each level of the spell to each creature in the area.

Project [REDACTED]: Final Entry of [REDACTED]

We did it. After all the theorizing, all that planning we finally did it. A way to intercept and HARNESS magic mid battle. This will revolutionize combat as we know it; warriors able to stand toe-to-toe with spellcasters on their own terms without training? They all said it was impossible, but after the demonstration tomorrow, I'm sure they'll all come crawling back on hands and knees for one like the sycophants they are. I'm sure General [REDACTED] in particular will be quite pleased when he sees the potential of our creation. I just pray we don't have another accident like before. But I'm sure things will go smoothly. Finally, things are looking up.




UPDATE: Charges are now regained after you finish a long rest.