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Potion, uncommon

This crimson tar-like tincture is consumed by members of the church to prepare their bodies against the forces of evil. After consuming this potion, your Constitution score increases by 2 for one hour. For the duration, if an Undead, Fiend, or transformed Humanoid damages you with a melee attack, it must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 radiant damage as your blood itself causes them harm. If the attack is a bite attack, the creature automatically fails its save.

To ward themselves against their infernal foes, soldiers of the church would infuse themselves with a ritualistic concoction that made their very blood sear the enemy. Each soldier could wade through scores of countless fiends, spilling blood across the battlefield whilst dying for their cause. Truly, what more could they ask for?



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