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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A crown fashioned to hold the fossilized fetal remains of a creature that fell from the stars. It allows the wearer to interact with the mysterious shifting of space across the universe. While attuned to this item, you can sense when a creature within 100 feet of you is teleporting (e.g. Misty Step, Dimension Door, Planeshift, etc.). This item has 2 charges and regains all charges daily at dusk.

Cosmic Passenger. When a creature within 100 feet of you teleports, you can use your reaction to spend a charge and teleport alongside them, appearing in an empty space within 5 feet of the creature.

Universal Eye. When a creature within 100 feet of you teleports, for the next minute you can use this item to cast the Scrying spell on that target, making its wisdom save with disadvantage. The base Spell Save DC is 10 unless yours is higher. Once you use this feature it cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.

Once a star that fell from the night sky, little is known of the entity whose remains give this crown its power. What is known is that for one who attunes to this crown, spacial position becomes fluid. Perceiving across the vastness of reality, one simply steps along with any who would magically reposition themselves. This is of course impressive, but begs the question: If this is the power granted by nothing but a fetal fossil, what is its fully grown form capable of?



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