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Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

Who better to depend on in battle than yourself? This mirror shield has a number of charges equal to your proficiency modifier. In order for this item to regain charges, you must stare into the mirror during a long rest, which prevents you from gaining any benefits from that rest. After doing so, this item regains all charges.

Visage of Violence. You can use a bonus action to spend a charge and aim this mirror at a creature you can see within 60 feet. Until the end of your turn you can make melee attacks against that target as though you were in a space adjacent to it as the wounds appear on their body from afar. Creatures who can see the mirror witness a reflection of you attacking the target's image within the mirror.

Curse. If you use the Visage of Violence feature, you cannot unattune from the shield. If this item has no charges remaining or does not have all of its charges for 3 consecutive days, every following long rest you must roll a D20. On a 1, your soul is teleported to the demiplane inside the mirror where it is trapped and the entity from the mirror possesses your physical body. While in this state your soul does not require anything to live, and must watch the events of the world through the face of the mirror and their image is used for the Visage of Violence ability. This effect can be undone by the use of the Greater Restoration or Wish spell. The creature has all of your memories and acts as you would but secretly seeks to destroy the mirror with you in it. The mirror can be destroyed by the use of the Remove Curse spell followed by dealing 35 damage to the mirror with the Shatter spell within 1 minute.

There once was a man as vain as any, and though he captured the hearts of many,

betwixt his lovers twas always a rift, when out of the blue came a lovely gift!

A mirror as tall and mighty as he, and within the glass was yet another.

Another being charming as could be, smitten he was, there could be no other.

And with the mirror would he live and lay, till early one morning he drifted away...



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