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Wand, rare (requires attunement)

A petrified finger of a Hag, perhaps given as a gift, or perhaps given as a hex. While using this wand as an arcane focus, you gain a bonus +1 to spell attack rolls. This wand has two charges and regains all expended charges at dusk.

Cruel Magicks. You can spend a charge to cast the Bestow Curse spell without expending a spell slot. If you cast the Bestow Curse spell while attuned to this item it does not require spell components and you can spend a number of spell slots to increase the spell level cast by that amount of levels.

Malicious Sustenance. You can spend an action to consume the Hag's Finger, swallowing it whole. You transform into an Annis Hag for up to 10 minutes as though affected by the True Polymorph spell without requiring concentration. When you revert back to your normal form, a finger drops from your hand to the ground and becomes a new Hag's Finger. Once you use this feature, it cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.

Curse. If you use the Malicious Sustenance feature, you cannot unattune from the wand. At the end of each long rest you must roll a D20. On a 10 or lower, features of an Annis Hag begin to appear on your person, such as hunched shoulders, unappealing grey skin, and a stench of death lingering about you. Each time you roll a 10 or lower the effects become more severe until you fail three times, at which point others perceive you as a Hag. A Greater Restoration or Remove Curse spell mitigates the effects of the curse for up to 1 hour. To undo the curse you must find an Annis Hag and present it with this wand to remove the effects, as only an Annis Hag understands the intricacies of their magic. If they do so, this item loses the Malicious Sustenance feature and you revert to your original form.

A finger, a finger she gives! A finger, a finger she loans!
In the finger, the finger she lives! In the finger, the finger she groans!
Swallow not the finger, the finger! Or in you the hag will linger and linger!



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