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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The spirit of a jilted lover resides within this tarnished wedding ring. While attuned to this ring you have advantage against being charmed as the spirit within the ring guards your heart for themselves.

Till Death Do Us Part. You can use your action to summon a Banshee from the ring to fight by your side for up to 10 minutes or until you dismiss it with a bonus action. The Banshee shares your initiative and moves after you, but cannot willingly move further than 30 feet from you. If you are further than 30 feet from the Banshee at the start of its turn, it attempts to move as close to you as possible before taking any other actions. The Banshee prioritizes attacking the closest creature to you or the most recent creature to deal damage to you. You are immune to the Banshee’s Horrifying visage and Wail abilities. When you or the Banshee are reduced to 0 hit points the Banshee is sucked back into the ring. Once you use this feature it can't be used again until you finish a long rest.

Curse. Once attuned to this ring, you cannot end your attunement to it. You hear the Banshee jealously whisper in your ear when you converse with other creatures. If you attempt to charm a creature or make a persuasion check, you must make a DC 12 wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature you attempt to charm makes their saving throw with advantage or you make your persuasion check with disadvantage. If a creature attempts to cast Remove Curse on the ring, it fails and the Banshee emerges from the ring and attacks that creature until they are unconscious or the Banshee is reduced to 0 hit points. To undo the curse, the Wedding portion of the Ceremony spell must be cast on you and the Banshee. Once you do, the Banshee passes on to the afterlife and this item loses all other features, and instead the ring provides a +2 bonus to your AC.

Twas once a maiden pure of soul, her hair as bright as hand spun gold.
And when her love was torn apart, she then died of a broken heart.
Now on the wind you might still hear, “My darling, where art thou my dear?”



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