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Weapon (revolver or pepperbox), legendary (requires attunement)

While attuned to this magical revolver, you gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls equal to half your proficiency modifier rounded down when you attack with this magic weapon.

High Noon. At noon the empty chambers of the revolver are loaded with Deadeye bullets imbued with magical energy that ignore resistances and immunity to damage. Deadeye bullets deal radiant damage instead of piercing damage. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a Deadeye bullet the gun produces another Deadeye bullet.

Fan The Hammer. Your fast hands let you get the drop on your enemies. If the D20 roll for your initiative is a 15 or higher, on your first turn you can forgo your movement and bonus action to make up to six attacks with this weapon with a single action. You must have one free hand in order to attack this way. Once you use this feature it cannot be used again until you finish a short or long rest.

Curse: Called Out. Once attuned, this item remains attuned to you until you die or the revolver is destroyed. You cannot refuse any 1 on 1 challenge made by a creature and you cannot surrender until the challenge is complete.

A weapon with as many victims as there are stars in the sky, this fearsome firearm is a legend unto itself. Occasionally it vanishes from sight and is lost for some time, but never for long, sure to appear in the hands of yet another unfortunate soul entranced by the promise of fame and glory. But even with its bloody history and terrible penchant for murder it has no true name, as it would be lost as quickly as it was found when the cycle of violence begins anew.



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