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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This hat has 4 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges at dawn. You have advantage on insight checks while wearing this hat.

Piercing Gaze. While you wear this hat, if you would be frightened or charmed you can use your reaction to spend a charge and resist the effect. When resisting an effect this way, if you were the sole target of the effect, you may spend an additional charge to reflect the spell or ability back towards the creature who attempted to affect you. Any save DC required uses the original DC of the spell or ability.

Serpent's Sight. You gain the ability to sense the heartbeats of creatures within 30 feet of you, giving you awareness of their positions even if they are invisible or behind cover. You can attack invisible creatures within 30 feet without disadvantage. You can use a bonus action to focus your senses to expand this range to 60 feet for one minute after which it returns to 30 feet. Once you expand the range this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. Undead creatures and constructs cannot be sensed with this feature.

Grit. It defines an adventurer, and makes a cowboy. Those who don this headwear know no fear and kowtow to nobody. The greatest cowboys know not only to stave off the mental games others play on them, but return them in kind with cold venom in their eyes. Steel your heart, or they’ll turn it against you.



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