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Weapon (club), uncommon

This runed cast-iron frying pan can change size at will, allowing you to cook for larger groups of adventurers without breaking a sweat. If you take the dodge action you can shield yourself with this pan and gain a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.

Morphing Metal. You can use a bonus action to cause the pan to enlarge in size. While enlarged, this weapon uses the properties of a greatclub and your movement speed is reduced by 5. If you take the dodge action while in greatclub form, this pan grants a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. When preparing food, you can serve three times the number of people you can normally serve. You can use a bonus action to revert the pan to its regular size.

Heavy Retention. If exposed to a source of fire, this pan immediately warms and retains the heat for an hour. Food can be cooked without a flame and the weapon deals an additional 1d4 fire damage while heat is retained this way.

Forged and enchanted by giant runesmiths, this cast iron pan can be used to serve creatures large and small. When activated, the runes enlarge the pan, allowing the wielder to feed more friends. The pan retains heat exceptionally well, allowing you to cook long after your fire has been extinguished. In a pinch, either form can be used as a bludgeoning weapon, dishing out damage as well as dinner.



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