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Wondrous item, common.

Each bag of Snap Dragons has a 30% chance to contain one Devil Banger. These variants on Snap Dragons are a tad more insidious than their cousins. When thrown at a point within range, a Devil Banger explodes and creates a minor illusion of a frightening visage in the shape of a devil, accompanied by wicked laughter. Each creature within a 5 foot radius must make a DC10 intelligence saving throw. On a failed save a creature is frightened of the illusion until it vanishes at the end of your next turn.

A devilish trick, these magical variants of Snap Dragons find their way into bags of the mundane fireworks from time to time. Upon exploding, a devilish visage screeches out from the sparks. Though only a minor illusion, this trick can be quite frightening to the faint of heart.

A free milestone item to celebrate passing 666 followers on Instagram. Have some devilishly fun!



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