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Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement)

Attune Vessel. You can spend one hour to attune the sword to a seafaring vessel. If the vessel is sentient and unwilling, the attunement fails. Once attuned, you can control the ship without the aid of a crew. Rigging and sails animate to move the ship in the direction you wish and you can drop or raise the anchor at will. The crew quality remains at its starting value if you have no crew aboard. You can use this ability as long as you are within one mile of the attuned vessel.

This sword has five charges. Each dawn at sea aboard the attuned vessel, the blade regains 1 charge. You may use any number of charges to use the following features:

Swab the Deck (1 Charge). Cleaning implements animate to clean the ship over the course of one hour, after which you increase the crew quality by 1 for 24 hours. You cannot use this feature again while the crew quality has been increased this way.

Fair Winds (2 Charges). You create an area of ideal conditions around the vessel, increasing its speed by 5 miles per hour for 24 hours.

Fair Seas (3 Charges). You treat the result of a storm check as one level above the one rolled by your crew.

Hang the Jib (4 Charges). You may use an action to cause the rigging to animate, attempting to grapple (DC 17) up to 20 targets aboard the ship.

FIRE ALL! (5 Charges). You gain control of any weaponry mounted on the ship for the next ten minutes. You can aim and fire any number of those weapons as an action.

The perfect right hand for any captain, this magical cutlass allows the wielder to control their sailing vessel without the need of a crew. They also gain a small amount of control over the conditions around the attuned ship, allowing swift travel and negating the effects of errant weather. Though one could sail the seas alone, having company is sure to stave off the maddening loneliness of such a fate.



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