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Wondrous item, rare

Technological advancements provide newfound applications of nature's most ferocious energies. This pauldron can be equipped as a part of a set of medium or heavy armor. 

This pauldron can hold up to 3 charges. While this pauldron has at least 1 charge, your unarmed strikes and melee weapon attacks made with the respective arm deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. 

Lightning Rod. When you take lightning damage from a single source, you can use your reaction to halve the amount of damage taken as this pauldron absorbs some of the incoming damage. For every 10 points of damage prevented (after applying resistances and reductions) this pauldron regains a charge. This property cannot be used while this pauldron has 3 charges. 

Turbocharge. When you make a Strength or Dexterity based ability check that you are proficient with, you can spend a charge to push your body beyond its normal limits. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for the ability check. 

Since the dawn of time, mortals have looked to the stormy skies with reverence, but also envy. The divine power of lightning has captivated many who work towards the advancement of society. Through skilled artifice, this endless power could be harnessed within networks of arcane nodes, enhancing the user’s physical prowess. By taming the storm, we can go beyond the limits of mortal capability.

Curated Curio [6/24]: “Something to Channel the Might of the Storm” - Offence / Defense / Utility



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