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Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

A conical hat adorned with the design of a clock face, softly ticking as it rotates. You always know the precise time of day while attuned to this item.

As an action you can use the spinning clock face of this hat to manipulate the flow of time around you, choosing one of the following properties:

Double Time. You spin the clock forward, casting Haste without expending a spell slot.

Reverse. You spin the clock back, immediately teleporting to an unoccupied space nearest to the one you occupied at the start of your last turn. If you are under any effects with a duration, the duration is extended by 1 round (6 seconds). If such an effect was not affecting you at the start of your last turn, the effect ends instead.

Clockstopper. You hold the clock in place, casting Time Stop without expending a spell slot. Instead of rolling to determine the number of turns you take, the spell lasts for up to 3 turns, but you must hold the hat’s brim for the duration of each turn. You may choose to let go of the hat at the start of each of your turns, ending the spell early if you do. 

The strain of stopping time may result in this item’s destruction. When the Time Stop spell ends, you must roll a d20. If the number is equal to or less than the number of turns taken during the Time Stop spell, this item shatters and is destroyed.

Once you have used a chosen property, that property cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.

Time has always perplexed the minds of mortals, whose brief lives are spent grasping for every minute lost to the endless ticking of time’s clock. Through intense study and spiritual clarity, one such mortal discovered a way to place an object in a liminal space of time, existing in all moments at once. Creating an unorthodox worn timepiece, they found that manipulating the object could disrupt its own timestream, allowing the wearer to ride along. However, seizing precious seconds for oneself can be devastating and destructive, both to the artifact and the fabric of time itself.



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