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Blessed Mixer of the Elixir of Life

There are many tales throughout history of a humble rabbit that earned their place amongst the gods in the heavens, their form reflected on the surface of the moon. It is said that a hungry traveler asked the beasts around them for food, and the beasts offered their usual meals. But the kind-hearted rabbit knew the traveler could not eat their meal of grass. The compassionate creature offered themself as food for the traveler, leaping into their campfire, but the rabbit found themself unharmed. The traveler revealed themselves as a great deity and bestowed the noble rabbit with a place with them on the moon, where their visage would shine down as a testament to their selflessness.

Lunar Lapin. The Moon Rabbit is an ascended celestial beast of great power despite their small stature. Blessed by the gods themselves, it possesses incredible speed, divine magic, and regenerative abilities, making it a formidable foe when provoked. However, the beast is content to toil away at their work, pummeling the ingredients to their various healing mixtures into tasty treats. 

Mystic Mallet. Beyond their own abilities, the Moon Rabbit possesses a tool of great power. This mystical mochi mallet is used to grind and pummel the various ingredients needed for the fabled Elixir of Life. Sequestered in the sky, the draft is kept far from mortal hands, but many still seek the elusive rabbit for a taste of eternal life. As the guardian of its secrets, the Moon Rabbit is more likely to offer one of their tasty treats than such a powerful concoction.

Healing Hare. As the maker of the Elixir of Life, the Moon Rabbit is an adept healer. Desperate adventurers looking for cures to normally incurable illnesses have been known to seek the elusive creature. Though often sequestered on the moon, the rabbit has been known to return to the earth occasionally, if only to stock up on more ingredients. Those wishing for their assistance should take care not to insult the tiny creature, lest it demonstrate their hidden power to teach the taunters a lesson in humility.

It takes you a moment to process the curious site before you. What looks like a brilliantly white rabbit stands before a small pot, continuously hammering at the contents within with a long, glowing mallet. Their ear twitches at your approach but they do not take their eyes off their work, displaying an unexpected confidence for such a beast. They wear simple garb with decorative silver accents, and stand surrounded by small delicious-looking pastries. Continuing their work, the beast yells out “Well, don’t just stand there gawking. What do you need?”

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